Metrics & Measurement

"You cannot improve what you do not measure." Critical operating metrics for the process need to be established. Participants will set performance targets and review action plans to drive continuous improvement. WE Inc. helps customers benchmark their processes, set practical targets, and supply tools to monitor and improve performance. This course is typically a half-day in duration and is oftentimes combined with other course offerings.

Metrics & Measurement Course Outline

Helper/leader project report out

"What's in it for me?" and set event goals

Goals of metrics & measurements

Performance vs. data

Demonstrate how metrics drive desired behavior

Select what needs to be measured


Types of measurements

(1) Process level

(2) Whole value stream (system level)

Areas of measure - must be meaningful to the organization and to their customers.

(1) Cost

(2) Quality

(3) Delivery

(4) Safety

(5) Others

Continuous improvement based on metrics & measurements

(1) S.M.A.R.T. (Simple, Measurable, Achievable, Repeatable, & Timely)

(2) Visual

Student teach back

Review key learning elements & understanding



Post Metrics & Measurements project results in a public area




For more information, please contact our LEAN Team via:

Phone: (920) 720-5600, or
