A3 Problem Solving

One of the goals of a Lean Operational Strategy is to create a community of problem solvers in an organization who use scientific principles to solve problems and improve processes that people work in. A3 documents provide a framework and consistent format for problem solving methods and communications throughout the organization. The course typically is one day in duration.

Time A3 Problem Solving Course Outline

1. Helper/leader project report out "What's in it for me?" and set event goals

2. Problem solving values and culture

3. PDCA & Problem solving/Visualization tools - (Plan, Do, Check, Adjust)

4. A3 thinking & communications

5. A3 Catchball Process

6. What is our current condition?

7. Describe & define problem for solution

6. How is this problem affecting our business?



1. Use of root cause analysis tools

2. Identify root cause

3. Define our target condition

4. Develop countermeasures

5. Create an action plan - (implement countermeasures)

6. Check process & results

7. Standardize & share best practices

8. Student teach back - Review key learning elements & understanding

9. Report out to management / organization

10. Post A3 project results in a public area




For more information, please contact our LEAN Team via:

Phone: (920) 720-5600, or

Email: leanteam@fvwdb.com